Analysing lean’s place in the world of finance
Organisations included in this article:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Industry Forum, BMA Consultants, John Bicheno, Jean Cunningham, Ian Machan, Bill Bellows and Bob Emiliani.
Increase quality, increase velocity
LMJ editorial board member Joseph Paris explores the financial industries attempts at lean and shows where the real savings have been made in banking processes in both the personal and investments sides of the sector.
Turning loss into cost
Paul Hardiman, TPM consultant manager at the Industry Forum explores how organisations can control their losses and even turn them into profits by learning how to use Value Analysis/Value Engineering (VA/VE) and Industrial Symbiosis.
Lean accounting
Consultant Brian Maskell shows us how effectively lean can be used in the accounting sector for large businesses and provides case studies from around the world relevant to businesses in every sector.
Bring back, lean out and serve
In a special feature where we ask you to help with the understanding the future of lean with Ian Machan asking for reader’s contributions on his research on the effects of reshoring, servitisation and lean. Is it beneficial? Do you have experience in it?
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