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Monthly Archives: April 2014

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Mark G 1343

Technology is not the enemy

LMJ caught up with lean expert Mark Graban for his opinion on the role of technology within lean.

Mark Graban is quite the celebrity in the world of lean healthcare and as creator of LeanBlog.org and a regular voice in the realms of social network he was the perfect brain to pick in regards to lean and technology.


The struggle against inefficiency

Managing director of Cressall Resistors, Cy Wilkinson, shares his thoughts on how to keep production relative to increased sales, as well as, his advice on

Though communism may be declining in China, the theory of continuous revolution developed by its founding father Mao Tse-tung may have some parallels on free market manufacturing management thinking.

Steve Bell Tight Cropped

Lean and information technology: finding the right balance

Information technology can offer valuable capabilities to lean strategies, it can automate activities, hone precision, eliminate errors, help to share knowledge and influence key decision

Steve Bell at a glance—

  • Author of Run Grow Transform and Lean Enterprise Systems (the first publication to use the term “Lean IT”)
  • Co-author of Lean IT, which earned the 2011 Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence research award
  • Serves on the faculty of the Lean Enterprise Institute and is a Lean Systems Society Fellow
  • He travels worldwide, coaching, speaking, leading workshops and gemba walks, and advising clients on Lean IT strategy
  • Steve is also the founder of Lean4NGO

For over thirty years, I have endeavoured to improve organisational performance with careful adoption of information systems.


High tech; lean tech

Senior consultant at Edinburgh Napier University, Steve Yorkstone, compares the duplicitous appeal of technology and how drives towards new software and technologies can limit improvement

For the love of technology

It seems almost every newspaper I have opened recently references the unstoppable rise of technology.


The scaling dilemma

Writer, lecturer and lean software development expert, Mary Poppendieck emphasises the imperative of creating meaningful goals and enabling a workforce with the autonomy to achieve

“One of the most scalable organisations in human history was the Roman army.


Can we transform IT through lean management?

Chief technologist for Hewlett-Packard, Christian Verstraete, discusses how the amalgamation of varying technology is changing business interactions on every level and how lean can improve

Christian Verstraete at a glance:

  • 20 years specialising in IT supporting business processes
  • Studied engineering at Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
  • Co-authored Strategic Value Creation through Collaborative Supplier Relationship Management, (2005)

Many IT departments are struggling.

Jacob Austad

Technology: friend or foe?

Personally, I have been looking forward to the April edition of the Lean Management Journal. The theme of technology within lean brings on a series

Personally, I have been looking forward to the April edition of the Lean Management Journal.