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Monthly Archives: December 2013

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callum Bentley

The Toyota issue

Within the lean world there are some huge movers and shakers. Companies and organisations that have always been there, waving their lean flag and standing

Within the lean world there are some huge movers and shakers. 

james womack

One on one with James Womack

Some of the UK's top manufacturers along with a range of lean experts fire off some questions for lean guru James Womack.

LMJ Editorial Director, Jon Tudor recently had the fortune of sitting down with some of lean’s biggest names at the AME Toronto conference.

The Lean Startup - Hi-Res Jpeg (2)

The lean entrepreneur

New York Times bestelling author Eric Ries talks to LMJ editor Callum Bentley about lean startups, changing attitudes and embracing ideas.

Eric Ries is an entrepreneur and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Lean Startup: How today’s entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful Business.

opinion sarah lethbridge

On power to the people

Sarah Lethbridge reflects on last month’s article from Yeo Valley about rewarding a workforce by giving them a voice that is heard.

Editorial board member Sarah Lethbridge reflects on last month’s article from Yeo Valley’s Steven Welch and Christopher Coles about rewarding a workforce by giving them a voice which is heard.


Going lean-er: Moving beyond the basics of lean in sterile processing

Rouge Valley Health System in Toronto, Canada, undertook a lean transformation to gain powerful improvements in efficiency, error reduction, cost savings and customer and team

While lean methodology has been used in many hospitals’ sterile processing departments, these areas remain largely untapped for advanced lean implementations.


Looking back to move forward

In this exclusive article for LMJ, Daniel T. Jones reflects on the year that was in lean and looks forward to the New Year.

2013 has been a huge year for companies and organisations going lean.

Rally software world

When worlds collide

Agile coach Karl Scotland explains how cloud-based solutions provider, Rally, used both lean and agile practices together to best meet its customer’s needs.

The right management approach will always differ between companies.

Lean toilet

Do it in the bathroom

Paul Akers explains how applying lean to the company’s toilets is the best way of setting the standards for the rest of the organisation.

Lean practitioners around the world will attest to the fact that if lean is to be implemented in an organisation, it must be spread across the entire company – nothing left out.

TPS image 1

When the bar must be raised

After a dramatic several years for motor giant Toyota, Joseph Paris suggests that the coveted TPS might be in need of its own Kaizen.

When something isn’t working as it should in a lean organisation, management will often organise a Kaizen event to find a way of getting the issue back on track and improving.